What does it mean for a product to be certified?
In the market you can find a lot of cosmetic product that claims to be natural, vegan and eco. But it is not always true. At Skin's Restaurant we are totally and absolutely committed to transparency and the best way to do this is for our formulas to be reviewed by a natural, vegan and organic product certifier. This is why all our products are certified by ACENE.
What is a vegan, Natural or BIO product?
Nowadays it is fashionable to say that a product is Vegan, Nautral or even BIO. But most consumers, and even some brands, are unaware of what each term means.
According to ACENE:
A product is BIO when it contains 99% of ingredients of natural origin or products of animal origin and a minimum of 22% of certified organic origin.
A product is NATURAL when the total ingredients are of natural and mineral origin.
A product is VEGAN when it does not contain any product or by-product of animal origin. In addition, to be considered Vegan by ACENE, it must be natural or BIO.
If you are looking for vegan, natural or organic products, take a good look at the information provided by the manufacturer brand because you will find many surprises...
What do the ACENE certifications mean?

ACENE / BIO: A BIO (ACENE / BIO) product will be considered when 99% of the total ingredients are of natural origin, including water or products of mineral origin and have in its formulation a minimum of 22% of certified organic origin. Under no circumstances will raw materials, products, or by-products that have been tested on animals be accepted.
ACENE/NAT: It will be considered a NATURAL product (ACENE / NAT) when the total of ingredients are of natural and mineral origin, including water. Under no circumstances will raw materials, products or by-products that have been tested on animals be accepted.
ACENE/VEGAN: A VEGAN product (ACENE / VEGAN) will be considered when the total formulation is vegetable or mineral and does not contain any product or by-product of animal origin. Of course, they have not been tested on animals or overexploitation. In addition, it must meet one of the two previous ACENE / NAT or ACENE / BIO certificates for this seal.